HSN – Job related rights and obligations

This presentation is only for the staff of HSN  

In this presentation Rut Pétursdóttir from the Union Eining Iðja will explain in English the Union structure in Iceland and answer questions such as:  

  • What is a Union?  

  • How can the Union help you?  

  • Which benefits/refund can you get from your Union?   

General information about obligations and rights in the Icelandic labor market will be explained including the most important rights within the collective agreement such as:  Work contract, salaries/ pay slips, sickness right, termination notice among other useful information.  

Please note that these rights are the same in the union Framsýn and Aldan and therefore members of these Unions will benefit by attending.   

Presenter: Rut Pétursdóttir service representative from the Union Eining Iðja  

Where and when: Webcourse (ZOOM) 6. nóvember from 14:00-15:00